Thursday, February 10

My own worst enemy....

The past few days have been a bit hectic, to say the least, and as a result of that I'm beating myself up.....I'm not even sure why. Since I can't even understand it, or explain it, I'm just going to shoot this one out with bullets:

*On Tuesday my dad ended up in the hospital with Atrial Fibrillations. His pulse was around 180 bpm and his heart beat was all over (think instead of a ticking clock a study in arythymics). He's doing better now, but they still don't know what is/was wrong with him. They did a partial sleep study, but we don't know the results of that yet. Part of the issue is he needs to lose weight and re-channel his stress levels.

*Because of the above I've been dealing with the store myself (because my parents are out and Matt is on the route). It hasn't been anything major, but there are a lot of things that I don't know.

*I've also been the one calling people and keeping them updated on my dad. Unfortunately I forgot about calling my mom's brothers, and my aunt saw my facebook post about my dad (I had intentionally waited to post until after my mom got a hold of my brother). He called Matt wanting to know what was going on, and of course I felt TERRIBLE about not calling him. Matt asked him to call the other brother and whatever other family members.

*I called another family member back about my dad and for whatever reason I felt terrible after that conversation too. Her grandson was born 5 weeks early and I asked how he was doing (he's almost 3 months old now). She was saying how great he was and that the doctor said there could be some developmental delays, but he seemed to be doing well. I mentioned about the adjusted age and how he'll probably have no problems at all.

*I felt terrible because my mom yelled at me about posting about my dad on facebook (not even because of my uncle), because "Why am I posting that on there?!" Ummm...because I wanted as many people to be praying for him as possible. Interestingly enough she didn't have a problem with calling their old pastor and activating their church prayer chain (which includes some of the largest gossips in the town).

*I've barely been around Ave because I've been in the store and I miss her so much and feel bad about her being juggled around so that I could be here.

*My house is a wreck, and it was doing so much better, but with my being out of the house things just haven't gotten done.

*We're running the gas to heat our house since we have no wood, and I know it's going to cost us a lot of money since NY.SE.G is a thief and it's been in the single digits the past few days. I feel guilty about that

*I also managed to screw up one of our ads this week for the store: The ad should have said Roast Beef dinner for Friday night take out, but it said last weeks (which was corned beef), and I never caught it on the proof. And surprisingly we haven't had any orders called in for this weeks dinner.

I just feel like I'm batting a thousand and failing miserably at everything. Grrr!

Oh and someone gave me the Stylish Blogger award: Thank you, but I can't remember who did, but I know I have the picture saved on my other computer.

Is it Saturday night yet?


manymanymoons said...

Calm down, take a deep breathe, and remember that you are only one person and can only do so much. There is no way that everything can be done to perfection when you're running around doing the work of several people. I am sure that everyone understands that you are doing the best you can! Sending positive vibes our way.

Crossing My Fingers said...

Prayers for your Poppa! You've got a lot going on so just step back, say a prayer and do the best you can. Praying for you and the rest of your family too.

sadie607 said...

Aww Jess I'm sorry you have a ton going on. You're doing a great job managing even if it doesn't seem like it. You can only do what you can do. Try not to be so hard on yourself.

I'm glad you posted about your dad on facebook so I could pray for him and for you and your whole family. Support comes in different forms these days including on the internet.

I wish I was closer and could actually be some help.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

I'm so sorry about your dad being in the hospital. You guys will be in my thoughts.

Amanda said...

I'm sorry about your dad. I hope he gets well soon.

Queenie. . . said...

Ooh, hey, cut yourself some slack! It sounds like you have a ton going on, and you are doing just fine trying to manage all of it. When you are juggling so much, nothing will be perfect--don't set that as the standard. Sometimes "good enough" is indeed good enough.

I hope your dad is better. Take care of yourself.
