Monday, February 1

Reno Wreck!

It's started! Matt spent most of the afternoon ripping down the one wall....the bathroom is a mess though. The previous owner's installed sheetrock over lathe...fortunately they had removed the plaster.

The room already looks so much different without the wall. As it's looking right now...Matt is hoping to have all the walls and the ceiling ripped down and the electric run before the weekend of Feb 20th. BIL and PP are coming to visit that weekend, but PP has a baby shower to go to so BIL should be free to help out. I'm hoping they can get the whole room sheetrocked that weekend.

Once the room is sheetrocked everything else should go relatively quickly. I'll spend the week after it's sheetrocked painting, then we'll install the shower and tile, and then the flooring goes in and the finishing touches!! I'm so excited!!!!


kimbosue said...

YAY! Love home projects!

Photogrl said...

SO exciting!

I hate the work that goes along with renovations, but LOVE the end result!
