Sunday, January 10

Tomorrow...I quit my job.

and boy is my stomach in knots about that!

I hope I can actually sleep tonight, because I'm really REALLY nervous about it. It's not like I'm leaving them short-handed, they've had to fill my position while out on maternity leave. I mean, what's the worse they can do, ask me to leave immediately. They can't MAKE my stay....or can they?


Jendeis said...

They cannot make you stay. Stay calm. Wishing you luck!

Melissa G said...

On the few occasions I've had to quit a job, it's always gone much easier than I anticipated.

Deep Breaths, you can do it!

Rotten said...

Deep breaths! It'll be great and you'll do fine. :)

VA Blondie said...

Keep breathing! I know you can do it!

Delenn said...

Its all in the anticipation. I am sure it will go fine. Good Luck!

The Wife said...

The can't make you stay. Most states are Work at Will states. Hope everything goes well for you! Good luck!

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Thinkging of you today and hoping it went smoothly.
