Tuesday, January 19

11 weeks and New Developments!

We've had 2 new and exciting developments in the White House.

Avelyn's been pulling her pacifier, "George", out of her mouth and dropping him, for the past 2 weeks or so...well on Thursday she decided to take him out of her mouth and put him back in, repeatedly. The best was when she took him out of her mouth, was holding him, and didn't realize she was holding him, then started crying because she wanted George back.

Yesterday my sister was over and we were playing with Avelyn and gave her a plastic spoon to hold. I looked away for a SECOND, and my sister goes, "She just changed hands while holding the spoon!". Sure enough the spoon had been in her left hand and she had switched it to the right!

On Sunday night we headed up to my parents house to have dinner with them and some friends: It was really great to get together with everyone. Avelyn even got to meet another little friend, Sebastian, who is 17 months. He was so much fun! (Here's the pictures)

(Here's the pictures)

Avelyn's 11 week pictures!

Oh, and yesterday I crocheted a hat for A: It's the first thing I've crocheted since 2000.


Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

I love that hat! And A is absolutely beautiful!!

Becky said...

love the hat, i have to learn to crochet or nit, one of these days....

I too love it when my son does new things too, is she laughing yet? I will never forget the first time i heard Nick's beautiful laugh!

kimbosue said...

YAY for milestones!
The hat is CA-UTE!

JJ said...

Shes SO sweet!

christina said...

So adorable! Cute hat, too!
