Saturday, November 1

Avelyn Turns Five


Baby Avie

to this…

Avelyn at 5

*Weighing 40lbs, 44.5“ tall
*Wearing a size 12 shoe, and 6/7 in clothes {she needs the length, but the waists are swimming!}
*Loves books…LOVES THEM! She ends up with about 15 in bed with her every night.
*Has such a heart for her brothers and sister, and every one else {this kid has more “cousins” and “brothers/sisters” than we’re related to!}
*Loves the colors pink and purple
*Has more shoes than most grown women {thanks to the endless supply of BaBa’s shopping}
*Loves pretending and being outside
*Loves making up her own songs about Jesus and his loving us
*Is growing to like Ballet more and more.

As for the rest, I’ll let her tell you herself: 


Avelyn, you are more than words can say to me and your daddy. Our first, the one who made us parents, the one who is our best friend. The one who can push us over the edge and draw us in close at the same time. You are an amazing, incredible little girl.

You can read all of Avelyn’s Growing Up posts HERE.

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