Monday, May 13

Going to the Chapel

May 4th was my sister in law’s wedding. It was a beautiful day: The weather was warmer than seasonably normal {it was sunny, not a cloud in the sky and 75*….one of those perfect days in my opinion}, and everything, for the most part, went according to not only plan, but to schedule.

It was a full day, since both Matt and I were in the bridal party and Avie was one of the flower girls, our niece, C, was the other flower girl.

Meg's Wedding

Here are a few of the shots from the photographer:

Heather Espo Photos

It was a very busy weekend: Rehearsal and dinner on Friday, Wedding all day Saturday, then Brunch on Sunday. Fortunately my mom, sister, and our friends took turns with the trio, so that we didn’t have to drag them to everything, which was a huge help {THANK YOU GUYS!}

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