Friday, March 15

Lenten Dare—Link Up #5

51153. Discovering that homemade gluten free chocolate chip cookies can be good.
1154. Not owing much back, after our taxes were corrected
1155. That Matt is not a “typical” father or husband
1156. Playing in the yard with all 4 kids
1157. Having more spring like weather
1158. Ave’s fascination at the little plants that are starting to poke their way through the frozen ground
1159. Matt playing with our children {he’s so often working, that he doesn’t get to spend much time just playing with the kids, such a joy}
1160. Mud puddle jumping
1161. Cold temperatures again and snowflakes in the air…I’m savoring these last weeks of it being cold and not hot and humid {I do not do hot and humid well}
1162. Hot cups of tea, with just the right amount of honey in them {a la Matthew}
1163. Quick clean ups
DSC_03201164. Watching Henry try to Irish Step Dance….oh my goodness…hysterical
1165. Warm dogs on cold feet
1166. Not having to load wood into the basement every few days in order to heat the house
1167. Fabric and colors, lots of colors
1168. New outfits for Ellie {hand me downs from Avie}
1169.’s great prices on summer play clothes {cheaper than at the consignment shops}
1170. Listening to my Irish music, leading in to St. Patrick’s Day
1171. One on one time with Miss Ellie…even if it was during my Mom to Mom group
1172. TWO solid hours of alone time today…everyone napped at once
1173. Spending time catching up with some of my blog friends, who I hadn’t visited in weeks {Sorry ladies!}
1174. My boys kicking a ball between them and giggling as they chase each other around the living room

Join me in sharing your Gifts?

A Lenten Dar with

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