Sunday, December 9

What Shoes, Chocolate and “Georgies” Have in Common…

I’ve posted a few times over the year about our German tradition of St. Nicholas Day. This year we incorporated Avelyn giving up her “Georgie” {aka Pacifier}. It’s been 3 days now since she’s had a Georgie: It has not been fun but it hasn’t been as bad as a I thought.

Friday she decided not to nap, yesterday I got her to nap, but I had to sing her to sleep. Last night she was so excited and wound up after Matt’s surprise birthday party {at which she got to see her cousins} it, again, took a while to get to sleep. Tonight it took almost 2 hours to get her to sleep: Books are no longer enough, I have to sing, until she’s DSC_0091asleep, rubbing her head constantly. I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to increase my repertoire of songs.

Interestingly enough she hasn’t asked for her Georgie, she even thanked me on Friday for asking her to give up her Georgie, but I know the reason why she is not falling asleep per usual is not having it. It makes it really easy to give it back to her, but since St. Nicholas took them to the north pole, it’s kind of hard to just get them back.

On to St. Nicholas Day

Ave was very excited to find a new book, a small bar of German Chocolate {in her shoes}, and everyone got matching pajamas!

What’s the fun of waiting until Christmas and only wearing them for a few days. I think they came out super-cute! Now I just have to finish Mommy and Daddy’s PJs for Christmas morning.

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