Tuesday, November 6

Things I Learned at Allume

I’ve decided that the easiest way to start to share about Allume is in bullets; at least get all my thoughts out, then I can process them one at a time.

* It’s OK to blog for just one reader, to not be concerned about SEO {Search Engine Optimization}, to do it just for the love of it

* Take time; whether it be with people or alone.

DSC_0403* It’s OK to have NO expectations. Perhaps it’s even better to have none.

* Not everyone gets my sense of humor.

* It’s OK to approach your “celebrity” bloggers, they really do want to connect with you.

* Don’t take things personal when someone isn’t able to talk with you. Everyone is trying to pack way too much into just a few days.

* Don’t plan on getting to catch up on your sleep. It isn’t going to happen. I mean it would, if that was your plan.

* Make sure, when you sit down at meals, to not have your back to the stage…you’ll have to keep turning your chair and craning your neck.

* Be open to things not on the agenda.

* Prepare yourself for things you may not expect, open yourself to those thing and welcome them in {God truly is in the details}

*Seriously, EMBRACE the smilebooth…seriously.

*Do write down some of the names/blog/twitter of people you would like to connect with. Otherwise you’ll be like me and get home and realize you completely forgot to do that.

*If you ever have the chance to listen to Ann Voskamp speak, in person, totally grab that chance! You will not regret it.

My Allumie-Roomie had some great advice on her blog too, to help with getting the most out of a very crazy time.

There are a lot of words in my mind, trying to decipher what Allume was, but the one that I keep coming back to is

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