Thursday, November 3

Something in the water...

I think there is seriously something in the water around here: Almost every single woman I know is pregnant! The only exceptions are SIL, my sister, and 1 friend. I found out last week that our neighbor to the right is 20 weeks pregnant with their second, and we found out last week that our friends R & R are expecting their first the end of June (we're the first to know). There are 9 babies due in the next 8 months, not counting our own 3! Sheesh!

Fortunately I'm only hoping to make quilts for 4 of those babies plus our 3: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a pretty good joke right?! I'm really hoping with all of the help that people are offering us once these babies show up I won't have to do too much ;-) and will have time to quilt and sew (think that will happen?).

1 comment:

sadie607 said...

haha to answer your last question no. I don't think that will happen. It's a nice little dream though :~)
