Tuesday, November 15

OB Appt and Ultrasound

Had another appointment today for OB and Ultrasound: All is looking good.

OB was pleased with my weight gain (3lbs in 3 weeks), no swelling, blood pressure was 122/68, and I haven't heard anything about my GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test), so I'm assuming all is good with that. I asked her how much weight gain should I be looking for in the next 7 weeks, she said anywhere between 10 and 20lbs, since the babies are gaining fat now.

Ultrasound was good too: A is 3lbs, B is 2lbs 12 ounces, and C is 2lbs 14 ounces. There doesn't seem to be any signs of IUGR (Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction). They all have good fluid and plenty of room to keep growing. They're all exactly on track for singletons at 28 weeks, and still head down. The doctor didn't think there would be any issues if I were to deliver va.ginally (as far as everyone rushing the "gate" at once or cord or placenta issues).

As for me: Cervix is measuring 3.3cms, which is down 1cm from 3 weeks ago, but the doctor wasn't concerned. No mentions of any sort of restrictions or anything else....so as much as I am able it's business as usual.

I asked the doctor if we would ever discuss delivery, and his response was "if your water breaks or you're having contractions, you're having these babies". To him the goal was 34 weeks, I'm sticking with my goal of 36 weeks. If I have to fight them about not having a c-section/induction until after Christmas I will (unless it's medically necessary), even if it's December 26th. I want to be home, with these babies, Matt and Avelyn, for Christmas.

I guess at this point I've successfully avoided hospital bed rest (yay!) and don't need to worry about it. Now I just have to worry about NICU time.

I go back in 2 weeks for another OB appointment and a BPP (Bio-Physical Profile). Hopefully they can get us into the NICU for a tour and consult then...seeing as I'm 28.5 weeks and still haven't seen the NICU.

On the way home we were talking about how we guess we need to come up with a serious game plan, in the event I go into labor on my own (which I'm really hoping doesn't happen until the very end, and preferably only on the way to the hospital).

Our game plan is really rather funny. If Matt is in town and my water breaks or contractions, he'll be driving to the hospital, with my MIL going with us (in the event things progress really fast she can deliver....it's been a few years, but she's the most qualified person). If Matt is not in town, my dad will be driving with MIL as medical backup, and Matt driving from wherever he is straight to the hospital. Everyone else will scramble on the home front to take care of Avelyn and close the store.

We figure Matt and my dad are the fastest and most qualified drivers (I know my dad will not pull over if he's flagged by a cop for speeding, and with me and how fast Ave's delivery was, that is imperative), and MIL has the medical knowledge of labor and delivery. This Sunday we're going to compile a list of necessary medical supplies and such for the van, and get the van prepped.

I seriously never thought that I needed to think about this stuff, but I guess since the doctors are willing to just let me go, if things happen we have to be prepared for the 2 hour drive. Unless things are really flying fast, then it's just get to O-town and deliver there (which is 45 minutes away).

If we make it to the hospital without babies popping out, then whoever is on call, will make the decision as to whether they allow me to go va.ginally or c-section. If it's a planned delivery, then we'll have a bit more say...but not much. It's still pretty much up to the doctor.

So, I guess at any time these babies could be here: EEK!! I'm not going to lie that really freaks me out, the whole getting to the hospital without them being born especially. I'm just praying that my water doesn't break between now and the end of December. Contractions give us some time to get to the hospital, but water breaking....Ave was born 3 hours after my water broke.

Thank you so much to all of you for all your prayers and well-wishes: Now we just need to make it to the hospital without these little ones being born.


sadie607 said...

I'm so glad for another good appointment!! Grow babies grow, and stay put! And your cervix continues to amaze me (haha as odd as that sounds). Mine was never 3.3 at any point in the pregnancy. You're doing so great.

Kateri said...

Glad everything went well at your appt. Hope those babies continue to stay put for a while!
