Saturday, September 24

21 weeks

21 Weeks

Size of Baby: They are the size of carrots now (from head to toe)...about 10.5"

Maternity Clothes: Yupperooski

Weight Gain: Down only 2lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight

Stretch Marks: A few new ones, above my belly button

Sleep: It would be better without this dumb cold

Best Moment of the Week: Seeing kicks from the outside...hoping Matt will sit still long enough to try and feel them kicking.

Movement: Yep.

Symptoms: For the most part I'm feeling pretty good, bit tired sometimes and some stretchy issues, but nothing major.

Food Cravings: none really....trying to up my intake of veggies though, and decrease my sugars

Gender: 2 boys and a girl: We have 1 boy name (Henry Charles....Matt was very set on the name, so we agreed that if there is a boy or girl name I'm set on he'll go with it); As for little girl....I think we're going with Elanor (Ellie for short), no middle name yet

What I Miss: Not feeling like I have to pee....CONSTANTLY! Especially at night....It's ridiculous, I feel like I could pee every 2 seconds....and it's only at night.

What I'm Looking Forward to: Getting a move on with preparing things for the babies

Weekly Wisdom: Some people are INSANE!

Milestones: 3 weeks 'til viability 15 weeks until they're guaranteed to be here!

Emotions: A bit more balanced....which isn't saying much for me.

Measurements: Pre-pregnancy: waist 38", hips 46"
This week: 44" waist , 48"hips (LET THE GROWTH BEGIN!) Becoming more of a D bump every day.


Dawn said...

I know you'll be happy when you reach the point of viability and beyond. So glad to hear how well you are doing!

Creating a Family

Tippy said...

Stopping by from ICLW (#19). Thanks for stopping by my blog! Congrats on the triplets! Best wishes, ~ Tippy

Queenie. . . said...

21 weeks already! This is flying by. Well, as I sit here and watch you, anyway! So glad things are progressing well. The "D Bump" comment cracked me up. I only have one baby inside me, and I think I'm rapidly becoming "D"-shaped, too. Pregnancy isn't very good for whatever muscles keep bodies from looking like alphabet soup!
