Wednesday, August 24

Official gender reveal!

It's been a long day. We left for the doctor's at 9am and only just got home (it's 8:30 pm now): Fortunately, Ave is spending the night with grandma. I drank my lovely glucose drink at 11:30, then had to sit around for an hour, they drew blood at 12:30. I haven't heard about that yet, but I guess no news is good news.

Then we had to wait around another hour for my anatomy scan ultrasound: Boy! Was that a long appointment! We didn't leave until 3:30 (word of advice, don't have your GTT prior to your anatomy scan...I was wondering that when they booked it). All the babies are looking good: A is measuring a few days ahead and weighing in at 7oz, B is right on track and is 6oz, and C is also ahead at 7oz. There doesn't look to be any physical concerns regarding body parts and organs. All looked exactly as it should.
Oh, and Baby A is a Boy, Baby B is a Girl, and Baby C is a boy! I was right :-) I must say I'm pretty good at this guessing game 4 for 4! Babies A and C were most definitely boys, with their little "hockey sticks" (as the doctor called them). But everything with them was perfect.

Everything with me is looking good too: I got the "Best Looking Cervix of the Day" award. Measuring in at over 6.5cm and tightly closed. They actually pushed my next appt back...normally they go to every 2 weeks with triplets after 16 weeks, but everything looked so good that they felt completely comfortable with waiting 4 weeks (saves us another trip to Albany).

We saw a different doctor this time, Dr. J, and I really liked her, she agreed that my 36 week, walk in for my c-section goal, was a great (and feasible, at this point) goal. Yay! So that's that. I'll be going "live" on facebook on Friday probably....since one of our "friends" just announced that she was pregnant today.

Thank you again so much for all your thoughts and prayers; I really appreciate them.


foxy said...

going live on facebook - how exciting! I am at 25 weeks and still not sure how long we'll wait to 'go live'. I'm getting closer, but still not quite ready for the big reveal :)

It is so great that the babies are doing so well and that you are doing great also!

sadie607 said...

I'm so excited for you!! And I'm still so incrdibly impressed with your cervix. Which sounds odd I realize but as someone who had a disappearing cervix I'm just excited that yours is so great with 3 babies in there!

stephanie said...

congrats! that is all such exciting news! 2 girls and 2 boys. how perfect!

casprincipessa said...


casprincipessa said...


Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Congratulations!!!! So excited for you. I can't wait to see your FB post.

So glad the babies are healthy!

Nink said...

Yay!!! I can finally comment. For some reason, I was having trouble commenting on your blog for awhile. Man, you totally called it, and that was my guess, too! I called have 3. Then, I called 2 boys/1 girl. Wow! :) I'm so very happy for you!!! I'm mostly happy that everything is coming along swimmingly with this pregnancy. You're holding out great, your little ones are growing perfectly. God is so good! :) P.S. When are you going to make the big announcement on Facebook? :)

Anonymous said...

YAY! FB makes everything "official."

Janna said...

YEA!!!! So excited for you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I realized that until now I was reading about the triplets pregnancy without REALLY realizing that it means THREE BABIES. The gender revelation brought it home for me - wow! really, wow! That;s a whole family there :)

Congrats on your perfect scan!!!

JJ said...

SO exciting!! Yippee!

Mrs. Gamgee said...

GTT and anatomy scan on the same day? Yikes! I feel for you!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog with the help of the ICLW. Very exciting about 2 boys and a girl and glad to hear your appointment went great.

Wishing you and your triplets the very best.

Enjoy you FB announcement!

Rebekah said...

I am just so thrilled for you! So happy things are going so well. Prayers continue for you and your little girl and boyS!!
