Saturday, April 2

One Thousand Gifts #526-550

526. A very sick baby who slept well last night
527. Humidifiers
528. UNKERS!!!!! (AKA Amish Origins)
529. Positive pregnancy beta for a special blog-friend!
530. Prayers for babies answered
531. Seasonably warmer weather
532. A hobby that Matt enjoys: Beer!
533. A hobby that I enjoy: Quilting/Sewing
534. Ave taking a couple of really good naps today
535. Finding (new to me) great blogs/websites
536. Getting things organized on the computer
537. Comfy clothes
538. Aunt Kate bringing "cookies" for a special little girl
539. Yeast: Beer, name a few uses
540. All we have to do is ask Him
541. The freedom to decide how we educate our children
542. That even though I completely overturned the 375* fryer with oil, no one was hurt
543. A faithful husband
544. The promise of church tomorrow
545. That Little Miss is starting to feel better.....I think
546. Love without ceasing
547. Unconditional love
548. Love undeserved
549. Remembering something you've forgotten
550. Forgiveness from a little girl who you had to hold in a death grip to give her the Tylenol she needed to bring down her fever


Sam said...

Oh my the fryer! I am so glad everyone is okay!

See Jamie blog said...

Oh, that last one! I remember doing that too many times. :(
