Sunday, April 10

"You lift me up to the wind and cause me to ride; And You dissolve me in a storm" Job 30:22

I apologize for not having too many posts as of late regarding things going on around here...being sick didn't help. Anyways.....

Last week I got 2 skirts stitched up for Avelyn; they're a bit big still (made a 3/4) but by the summer time they should fit well. The yellow and blue one is actually done with scraps stitched into patchwork leftover from Avelyn's baby quilt I made. They're both really cute! How could a little girl in ruffles not be cute!

This was such an easy pattern, too: It was in the Summer 2008 edition of Quilts and More magazine, but I think this is the designer's blog, with the pattern. It's actually very easily adjusted to make it for anyone.

Today the weather was decent so we decided to take Avelyn and the dogs for a walk in the field...she was having a blast running after the dogs. She and daddy had quite the time high flying too.

Saturday night Matt and I were able to go to one of our favorite dances (the place with the really good food!); my sister was able to babysit and from the sounds of it she and Ave had a ton of fun! We had so much fun! The band was pretty good and we actually got to do a couple of dances that we enjoy that they don't usually play (tango, swing). It was great to get to spend time together and do something we enjoy.


Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Those skirts are precious! Ave is gonna be so cute in them! Your craftiness amazes me!

Glad you and Matt had a great time just the two of you!!

raisingmiles said...

YAY For Date Night!

And ruffles are so fun for little girls!
