Tuesday, April 12

Identity: the sense of self, providing sameness and continuity in personality over time

I'm struggling a bit with my identity, my online identity that is. I'm not sure where I fit in amongst the VAST variety of blogs I read: Everything from infertility to crafting to faith to homemaking to adoption. I don't know how to mesh myself with all of those things....particularly since I don't want to minimize our infertility.

I find this to be a bigger issue when commenting on blogs: I'm sure some people come to my blog and think "WOAH! How did I get here?" And honestly our, direct, dealings with our IF are few and far between (although it will be coming up in a few weeks when we begin cycling again).

I have ramped up things on our family blog a bit more, but it's our family blog....there isn't a whole lot on there about my thoughts and processing things. I wish there was an easy way to meld this blog and my family blog into a more perfect union of ME-ism.

Honestly, keeping up two separate blogs is hard enough (IF and family), the idea of adding a 3rd one in there is a bit daunting....plus I'd be starting all over, kind of, as far as followers and such is concerned.

I would love to just have this be my main blog, but there is so much on here about IF and I do have a few friends, in addition to family, who read our family blog regularly, who we don't feel comfortable sharing our whole IF story with. But, I feel like our family blog really doesn't have much of me (my thoughts etc) on it.

So.....readers and friends....what do you think I could do to make this blog more "all encompassing" as to ME: I'm not all IF, or cooking, or mommy, or sewing, or any one thing...ideas?


raisingmiles said...

Who cares what other think of this blog? It's yours and you can talk about whatever. I will read no matter the topic! Call it "Just Jess!"

Anna said...

You keep it the way it is. On the days you feel like writing about IF, you do. The days you feel like writing about faith, you do, etc.
No one person is just one thing. If your choice is to share your love of crafting, gardening, home-projects, your business etc,then by all means do that. It's all your identity.
There are multiple colors in a rainbow. There are multiple facets to a diamond.
Speaking of which... do you know, the seven colors of the rainbow are symbolic of the seven spirits of God.

Not sure how to address this being your main blog and not wanting family to read entire IF story. (Perhaps you could make it main blog, and remove the more detailed parts of IF story)

I truly hope you can find a solution that works best for you :o)

Best wishes,

Crossing My Fingers said...

Do what YOU want, that's what makes it YOUR blog!!! I had to do a seperate IF blog because I was so upset about it and didn't want to bring down my non-IF blog. You've got a great attitude about life!

carrie said...

I've struggled with this too and now have 5 blogs. Yes, 5. It's insane.

But - it makes it easier, I think. They don't all get updated regularly, but whenever I have a topic I want to explore, I write about it on that particular blog.

For example: Personal stuff that's bothering me and I'm trying to work through - private blog. K's learning - homeschooling blog. Infertility - IF blog. Adoption stuff - adoption blog. Goings on that I want to share with family/friends - our family blog.

It seems like a lot, but it's really not that bad, unless I start feeling like I Must Update All Of Them Regularly! which I'm getting over. :)
