Monday, March 21

One Thousand Gifts #251-275

251. The joy Avelyn brings to us, by bringing joy to others
252. Gray hairs
253. Compassion
254. Spring snow that disappears as quickly as it arrived
255. Wrestling with Avelyn
256. Tall glass of ice cold milk
257. Sun pouring through stained-glass
258. Freedom to worship
259. Wisdom earned and learned
260. Flying in a plane above the clouds while the sun rises/sets
261. Hearing the same bird that I have listened for every morning since I was a little girl (red-wing blackbird)
262. Scratch of a pencil across paper
263. Meals with Matt's family
264. Meals with my family
265. Cross stitch blankets made by my Oma
266. Family that treasures old pictures
267. Writing a note to someone....the old fashioned way: Paper and pen
268. Bedtime prayers
269. Glasses (so I can SEE!)
270. Cursive writing
271. Stacks of books to be read
272. Checking another book off of my To Be Read List
273. Smelling "spring" in my house
274. Laughing with my sister in law, Megan
275. Having the right to shoot a gun in our backyard

1 comment:

Painting DVD said...

This is a great sight! I liked your blog!...Daniel
