Wednesday, March 2

16 Months!

16 thing we know it will be 16 YEARS! Lord I am NOT ready for that!

*Miss A is out of 18 month clothes....they still fit, but are getting too short.
*We're working on a being a bit less friendly (A will got to ANYONE in the store).
*A will now leave hair-ties in, although she still doesn't like having someone do anything to or brush her hair.
*She LOVES sliding down the stairs
*A thinks it's a blast slipping around on the ice
*She can now sign for cookie and does.....constantly! (In my defense, a cookie is anything from a graham cracker to a pretzel to an animal cracker)
*She loves pizza: Particularly white garlic
*Any time she sees a flower (either in a book or real life) she says "hotsie" and starts sniffing it
*We're now sleeping through the night....thanks to Daddy taking a stand (THANK YOU Matthew!)
*We've also gotten rid of our nap time bottle and are down to just 1 bottle before bedtime (which I am loathe to give's the only time she cuddles)

We love you so very much little girl!

I took this picture just after she woke up from her nap...thus the sleepy face and hair

Please ignore my annoying voice....I had every intention of editing this video down to just her saying the word, but that didn't happen.


Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

She is precious! Happy 16 months!

sadie607 said...

So so cute! I love the video haha. I can't believe how old our babies are getting. How does this happen?

Crossing My Fingers said...

So cute...what's hotsie mean? Besides flower, of course!

Hope in Virginia said...

So cute!!! Love the "avocado!"

Amanda said...

We've been feeding Michael some of the homemade pizza (from the recipe you posted). I feel a little guilty letting him eat pizza, but since I made it and know what's in it, it's really pretty healthy. And I wanted to ask you, have you tried to freeze the dough? I need to experiment with this, but I'm too lazy.
