Sunday, October 31

Avelyn's First Halloween!

Our town is dumb: 300 parents signed a petition demanding that trick or treating be on Friday (the day of the school parade)...they won. Halloween ended up just being another day here.

We went about our day though, just as if it was really Halloween. After we cleaned up from the party, we took our soup tureen (I used a pumpkin) and carved it into a scary Jack-o-Lantern. Ave enjoyed helping (and chewing on the pumpkin).

We then took her to visit my grandfather who was expecting us to show off her costume. Her costume was perfect...a monkey. This kid is becoming more monkey-like every day...she tries to climb E V E R Y T H I N G! I'm not kidding. Plus she makes some adorable monkey sounds too.



Crossing My Fingers said...

Love the banana on her head!

~Jess said...

That banana is what made the costume in my opinion lol

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Oh she's just adorable! So glad she had a great first halloween!

JJ said...

Awwwww! So adorable!

Ashley said...

Ha! I love the costume with the banana on her head! Sweet.

Photogrl said...

SO cute! A makes an adorable monkey!
