Tuesday, August 3

9 Months

NINE MONTHS! Seriously?! Today we had our 9 month well baby visit with our pediatrician. Avelyn is doing well and was given a clean bill of health...no sign even of her slight heart murmur from before: YAY!

Let's recap the conclusion of your 9 month
*You went from army crawling to full out on your hands and knees crawling
*Cruising is your preferred mode of transportation...you get really annoyed if you get cornered and can't go on cruising
*You now make this really cute noise, where you raspberry your lips and hum at the same time
*You've loved having swimming lessons
*There's only a few people that you won't go to, but if there are too many people around you get over excited and won't nap and become a monster
*You love your bedtime bunny
*You occasionally will give hugs and sometimes even kisses, which are the sloppiest most wonderful things
*It looks like you have at least FOUR teeth coming in at once...which explains the misery of sleep for the past month
*You have 1 or 2 good nights, then a slew of bad ones
*You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE animals...it doesn't matter what kind

Ave, you're the light of the world! We love you so very, very much!


Jendeis said...

Congrats on 9 months! She is so gorgeous!

Christina said...

She is beautiful! I can't wait for Ry to start crawling around :)
